Ticket barriers at AP

Hi there,

I have just emailed as below:

Dear GNR

I notice you call the changes to the ticket hall and barriers at Alexandra Palace Station ‘Modernisation’ on your website.

Whilst I understand the need to mitigate people travelling on this route in and out of Moorgate without tickets, I wonder how many instances of ticketless journeys are being discovered, on average, during ticket checks? 

I also understand that when large events are held at Alexandra Palace, the gates and bridge will be opened, to assist flow. 

So, large numbers of people, in their thousands in fact, mostly visitors to the area, to whom we are grateful  for coming and supporting our local amenity, but who are unlikely to hold regular season tickets, and will use this station once or twice a year if that, are trusted to stream through the station, but regular commuters and other regular passengers are not trusted to pay their fares. 

Since most of the regular commuters have to pass through exit barriers at the other end of their journeys, I don’t think it’s likely that many of them will not have swiped their passes at this end and I can’t recall seeing people not touching in.

I live at the Alexandra Palace end of the rail bridge, and regularly use the 9.31am train, which is the first one on which I am able to use on my Over 60s pass and still get to work on time. Now I will have to linger at the barrier until the dot of 9.30, hope there’s not a queue, and charge down the stairs to catch the train I am authorised to travel on. i’m not looking forward to this, as you may imagine.

I am also distressed to notice that the level of service, as in the proliferation of cancellations and late running trains, has escalated since the summer, damaging what was once a reliable and regular service. Do you have an explanation as to why this deterioration has occurred?

I look forward to hearing your reply, and hope that you will listen to the concerns of regular users of your rail line and keep our service operating to the benefit of local passengers.


Beverley Klein

25b Bedford Rd N22 7AU

020 3302 9860

I'll let you know what reply I get, but have tagged your campaign email in.


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