The Council is consulting on proposals to introduce pedal cycle parking sheds in our local roads. The impact on parking is low but nevertheless there will be a loss of parking places which is unnecessary. There are some times of day (and some days of the week) when parking is very difficult and any unnecessary loss of spaces should be challenged. The cycle parking can be located on the kerb build-outs at junctions or where the footway is sufficiently wide that they would not cause obstruction.
Please consider objecting to the Council's proposals at All you need is set out in the following draft email, and you can get more details from the street notices that are still in place next to the proposed sites.
"Proposed Pedal Cycle Parking Places (Amendment) Order
The Council gave notice of the above mentioned proposed Traffic Management Order on 31 January 2020. I wish to object to the following provisions on the grounds that they will result in the unnecessary loss of scarce on-street parking in an area of the Borough which experiences high levels of parking demand outside normal hours of control:
o/s 64 Victoria Road N22
o/s 8 Clifton Road N22
o/s 143 Albert Road N22
o/s 227 Alexandra Park Road N22.
All these proposed cycle parking places can be located on the wider parts of the footway or on one of the many kerb build-out at junctions. There is no need for any of the above proposals to result in the loss of on-street parking.
It relation to the Council's obligations to publicise these proposals and invite objections I am extremely concerned that the Council, having given notice on 31 January 2020, didn't publish the draft Order on its website until 27 February 2020; 6 days after the period of 21 days set aside for the receipt of objections had closed. I understand that as a result the Council has undertaken to extend the period for the submission of objections, but has not set a new end date. Please confirm that my objection has been received within the new (unspecified) deadline."
It would be nice to find out what is actually needed. so could we have an expression of interest from residents for cages and hoops?.
Thanks for this, Ralph. There are many factors which discourage people from cycling in this neighbourhood, not least having to find space in your hall for a bicycle, and sometimes having to carry it up steps. There are particular difficulties for people in upstairs flats. So having bicycle sheds and hoops would really help with these problems, and I for one would seriously consider cycling if these were available within a reasonable distance.
The proposed locations for bikehangers is decided on the basis of expressions of interest received by the council. They've probably had thousands of requests across the borough so we're lucky to get them here.
The idea is to put them on the extra bit of build outs beyond the crossing point, there no loss of amenity as there is room for crossing the road and walking along the pavement too.
Sounds like that could reduce visibility at the crossing point, defeating one of the purposes of the build-outs. Placement in a parking space would lead to no loss of pavement or amenity for pedestrians.
I wouldn't have thought so but it is something we could look into with the traffic engineers (and councillors?) rather than accepting some simple solution. As far as I can see we don't have a stranger parking problem for Albert Rd but we need space for residents.
If you need space for residents you should lobby for a CPZ. Didn't realise quite how many visitors were parking here until we got one. It's now far easier for residents to park, almost always directly outside your property too, not a 5 minute walk away. Recommended!
The council could also (or alternatively) put in the Sheffield hoops. The cages have to be rented but the hoops are free to use.
Agree, they should do both as bikehangers and on-street parking hoops likely serve different purposes for different people. The storage sheds are probably only required for securing higher-value bikes.
John - I expect the reason for car parking difficulties on those roads is people from outside the area parking on those streets. There is rarely difficulty parking on the streets covered by CPZ - you might want to lobby for greater coverage of controlled parking zones to alleviate these parking difficulties (and the multitude of other problems caused by people driving into our area to park their cars). It would be unfortunate if these much-needed increases in residential cycle parking had to be sited on the pavement, resulting in a loss of pavement space and a potential loss of amenity for pedestrians.