Walks for Each Season...New edition

Walks for Each Season...New edition
2nd Edition 'Walks for Each Season: 26 great walks in the countryside near London'  Julia Smith (local Haringey resident) - just published! 
Seize the moment, escape the city and fully experience the beauty of each season. These 26 fabulous walks, all within easy reach of London by train, showcase each season’s highlights, leading you through bluebells in spring, among poppies and wildflower meadows in summer, into the glory of beechwoods in autumn and to the breathtaking display of a starling murmuration in winter.

RRP is £14.99. You can order from any bookshop and many London bookshops have stock - please support them! You can also order online from an ethical bookstore 'bookshop.org' or from Waterstones or Amazon.  Crouch End bookshops stock it.
If you bought the first edition, you can find updated directions on 'Walk4EachSeason.blogspot.com' the link is Julia's insta @jsmithwalks
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