Novella Fever with Kiare Ladner
The novella seems to be enjoying a resurgence, with agents and publishers keen to read them. Perhaps you have a short story which can be developed, or a novel which has become too complex and unwieldy. Perhaps you have a simple story to tell, and want to write this in the most engaging and exciting way you can.
In our 6 week course Kiare Ladner, whose book Nightshift comes out from Picador early next year, shares her love of novella and her in-depth understanding of how to make the form work.
Wednesday evenings, 6.30pm-9pm, November 4, 11, 18, 25, December 2, 9, Via ZOOM video call, £125.
In six weeks, we will aim to start (or finish) drafting a novella. What you work on may be only slightly longer than a short story or slightly shorter than a novel. You may have an idea to explore, or a short story that’s growing, or something resembling a novel in progress.
On the course, we will look at what gives this particular form its power. We will think about the value of the instinctive in our writing. We will discuss the general shape a story of this length may take. In intensive weekly sessions we will workshop both writing and story ideas. All levels welcome.

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