Roslyn asked if there are any results from the consultation about the Grove - I can't see any more than this on the Palace website:

     Summer 2024 report summarising findings and establishing next steps

The Friends of the Park have this in their July newsletter:

Into the Grove: 8th June. The Creative Learning Team at the palace put on the free event to try out some of the ideas that had emerged from Shaping the Grove, the consultation and engagement process run by Unit 38 and Studio Hyte on behalf of the APPC Trust. The aim of Shaping the Grove was to explore possible improvements to the Grove, and to widen the range of visitors.

On a sunny day, a large number of families enjoyed spoken word and live music performances from a specially built stage, and there were a number of stalls (including the Friends’) plus activities for children. There was a lively and friendly atmosphere, which we have experienced in previous similar events in the Grove. As something of a test event, the palace team learned some useful lessons, such as the lack of toilets, the absence of a covered stage and inadequate water and power supplies.

btw - they have an excellent newsletter - I do recommend joining the Friends just for this - lots of info. about the amazing wildlife in the Park, as well as human activities, comments and concerns!

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