Beautiful Tid the cat needs a retirement home

3048607897?profile=RESIZE_710xTid is an amazing, friendly, easy going, senior cat looking for a loving home to retire. She is a beautiful fluffy white and black cat and is 19 years old.

If you are interested in offering Tid a home, please email as they would love to hear from you! Please note home checks apply.

Stokey Cats and Dogs are a local volunteer group who rescue local cats. It's vital that cats are neutered as there are so many homeless cats. They rescue cats and get them neutered, microchipped and rehomed. They desperately need and welcome funds donated by the community - you can donate via paypal to If you prefer to pay directly towards Stokey's vet fees at the Celia Hammond vet clinic you can call 0207 474 8811 and say that you wish to make a payment to Stokey Cats & Dogs vet bill. (This will help cats like Tid.) Stokey also have a Wish List on Amazon and have a Stokey Cats and Dogs Facebook group where you can read all the latest news on their rescue cats. 3332853218?profile=RESIZE_710x

More Stokey cats needing homes

I post regularly here in respect of Stokey cats needing homes and photos.

If you can't offer a permanent home to a cat, Stokey also urgently need more fosterers - which means providing a temporary home for a cat until a permanent home is found. You don't need to have a garden to foster. If more people foster, Stokey will be able to help more homeless cats. Short term or long term fosterers are always needed. Can anyone help? Most of Stokey's rescue cats in need of a temporary foster home come from the streets. Stokey get them neutered, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms before they go to their foster homes. All veterinary bills are covered by Stokey, so foster carers don't have to worry about this aspect of looking after a cat temporarily. Stokey always provide a foster starter kit which includes a litter tray, cat litter, food bowls, blanket or a basket to sleep, and food). If you are interested in fostering please get in touch urgently via email to and they will send you a foster application form. There are cats waiting to hear for a place to stay!




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