There's a notice on the station footbridge from Great Northern announcing baldly that 'this thoroughfare' will be closed during events at Alexandra Palace, and people will have to go round by Bedford and Buckingham roads !!  Presumably this is to cover them if they need to close it - I understand that they do occasionally do so already after late night gigs at the Palace - but if they do it often, it would be intolerable. They are no doubt thinking that more people will be crossing the non-station side of the footbridge if the barriers go ahead as they intend, and with the likely increase in events it will be very busy. 

They have to find some other way of dealing with these issues. Perhaps where the bridge meets the bank on the Bedford Road side, they could widen the path and have the barriers on this widened area, leading to the layby rather than Bedford Road itself (and the Palace needs to have more dedicated buses taking people to Wood Green).

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  • This notice has now disappeared, replaced by one announcing the closure of the gate on the bridge from Monday 24th. Also that it would be opened if there was much overcrowding, as they have said before. But it contradicts the previous notice - very confusing!

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