Coming up this week @ Karamel N22



THURSDAY 9TH - Jazz at Karamel new year kick-off with The Alan Barnes, Bruce Adams Quintet!

FRIDAY 10TH - A rising star on the UK and US jazz scene, saxophonist Ruben Fox has already performed with legends including Wynton Marsalis, Jon Batiste, Roy Hargrove and Barry Harris, as well as other upcoming artists of his generation…

SATURDAY 11TH - Collage presents a Golden evening of classic Bollywood film songs, Punjabi love songs, and original compositions by Siddharth Singh.

THURSDAY 16TH - Introducing Raw Odoni - a modern jazz quartet breaking out onto the London scene. ‘Amazing new spiritual jazz from London’ Andy Crowther, All About Jazz….


Karamel N22 | Wood Green, N22 6UJ

Tickets: £10 (£7.50 EarlyBird)

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