All - in case some of you are not aware an application has been received by the Counil for the installation of a 17.5m high monopole supporting 6 no. antennas and a 300mm transmission dish, the installation of 3 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary developments at the junction of Durnsford Road and Albert Road. The application is being consulted on until the 18th July , and you can comment/object/support here:
If objecting please be aware that this has to be on 'material considerations' , see here :
It may also be useful to check the officers reports on previous application at the same location and a more recent one:
- HGY/2019/0852 in
- HGY/2023/2438 in
Alessandra has noted elsewhere that this application has been refused. The officer's report can be found at:
See DM Decision.pdf at top of list.
I'm ok with this, the area has mobile blackspots, especially the area around The Maid of Muswell pub.
It would be so helpful to have more notice of planning applications and their deadlines posted on APN - not from you Alessandra, I know you are already overwhelmed with work for the ward! Cllr Nick da Costa used to do this - and it was SO useful. I did write to Cllr Sarah Elliott mentioning this last August, and she said she would be happy to do it. She always sounds so enthusiastic! But then did we hear anything further? Not a dicky bird.