Dave's Yard

Although Dave's Shop has closed down - I still end up calling it Dave's Shop and Yard. 

The owners of Dave's Shop and the Yard next door, have placed the Yard (with planning permission) for auction. You can see details of the Yard Auction Listing on the link below. Interestingly the auction lot is only for the Yard and not for 20 Crescent Road - which is Dave's Shop and the apartment above. The guide price is £200,000 upwards.

Link below: 


The owners of Dave's Yard - as you are aware - have also submitted a planning application for an additional storey on top of 6 - 20 Crescent Road, which a lot of you have put in objections to. 

The auction listing states that the area is a conservation area - which it isn't (although if it was, the application for a roof top extension for 6-20 would be far more difficult!) The auction lot includes the planning permission which we objected to when it came to the Planning Committee and was unfortunately approved. They have kept the incorrect information about the spacing between the proposed new property and 22 next door. 

The overcrowding of more and more developments is extremely concerning for Crescent Road, especially with many of the issues around litter, parking, congestion, and the nature of the parade that have been mentioned by residents on the planning application. 

I wonder what Mr Fox's opinion of this all would be:



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  • I think this is a Ms Fox....she always finds rich pickings for her cubs in this litter-strewn street.
    So this building site is falsely marketed as being in a 'conservation area' and it also 'forgets' to mention that the building next to it (20 Crescent Road) has applied for a Fourth Floor to go on top of the existing building?
    And the planning application for 6-20 Crescent Road also 'forgot' to mention that there is going to be a building next to it, in VERY close proximity, whose (narrow, tunnel-like) entrance would be completely overshadowed by a 4th storey on top of 20 Crescent Road? 
    This is a complete shitshow. Crescent Road is a motor traffic nightmare. The pavement outside the shops and on both sides of the road is permanently cracked and broken, thanks to Haringey Council permitting pavement parking and overcrowding of the roads with car traffic - loads of it. 
    As soon as one trip hazard is notified to the council and repaired it cracks again.
    Living Streets have given a rating of 0 (yes, ZERO) to the pavements due to their permanently broken, congested, littered and dilapidated state. Residents have to live in this undignified, polluted mess. They have to pay for car owners who keep breaking the pavement, and for street cleaners to pick up the broken refuse bags left on the pavement outside Dave's shop regularly. 
    Active travel in this road is just so difficult., nowhere is safe.
    If you want to see how bad it is look at @CrescentRdChaos on Twitter.GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AQMkADAwATExAGE2Ny00YzRkLTJkNzEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADLb50Q84PfUiLt22MFY8EvgcAwVaSuyRjv0mEqkfPotkI%2FAAAAgEJAAAAwVaSuyRjv0mEqkfPotkI%2FAAE%2FEGGSgAAAAESABAA%2BhOuenELTEqKkl79r54DAwA%3D&thumbnailType=2&isc=1&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjMwODE3OUNFNUY0QjUyRTc4QjJEQjg5NjZCQUY0RUNDMzcyN0FFRUUiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJNSUY1emw5TFV1ZUxMYmlXYTY5T3pEY25ydTQifQ.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.YqXKmcvUpfVmKpIHfpwbiJPwxN0pJtT1OohIZZzdrJ2YS4x9NHYxoUHXfJtxszmrmlbGl11Aajexdl-lo6paZdr13dhDGKeOoi8ba0LIvRC2dGI2aE4H3aXMI2zSBhS_z9-LgH1Ez2UPw-UfOopUPueFg1blW16CQACfa0KZb6IeEk_c3MSxxWuQQnhBJuUq1bFlSTgHk5kxcKjyTNvZcF2aYWRnj9k5j6ILjPEDfKdMJRUvC6Hnzw4Q2Pw1MCs5ViOwxK9DguR3UWZBAoxxM3T5uuoQp1vm0k1G8lQy6f6pfsfQ-lOftg_OAlaQWqrLl57KQagRffowdl7nZsBhOg&X-OWA-CANARY=bs1hXusT6EqmeEulVoYxPOD9LUvc69gYg-2Xrs3Vy4c3xbR8qpaLdL0-4lOMjGXe2UxZtFRU_Yw.&owa=outlook.live.com&scriptVer=20210315003.14&animation=true
    I know at least 2 residents who broke their teeth and jaw as a result of trip hazards on the broken pavement  (David Rennie is one of them) - but nothing changes for the better.
    We are being deprived of space to walk and clean air.
    The council is quick to grant one planning application after the other (without public consultation) but slow to install measures to keep the area free of noise, pollution and broken pavement slabs with emergency TMOs and filters. They even stopped the Covid-induced emergency removal of pavement parking outside of the shops.
    The incessant car traffic noise is so bad that it's impossible to talk to vulnerable neighbours on the doorstep.
    But all this will seem like paradise when work for the 30 new flats in Crescent Mews and on the building next to 20 Crescent Road begins.  Motor traffic gridlock, unimaginable noise & pollution .....
    It could be all so different. This joyful street film shows what is possible: 
    • Sadly it's too dangerous here to cycle without helmets. It's not the cars, it's the pedestrians who run out, or just stick stuff in front of you or even into you.

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