Network Rail had said they would start work on installing lifts at the station this Spring, and local resident Gudrun has been finding out what is happening about this. Having had unsatisfactory responses from them, she asked our GLA rep, Joanne McCartney, to investigate, who is also very concerned about this issue. They told Joanne:

  • “As you know, this AfA scheme at Alexandra Palace has been in the works for some time. The scheme here has undergone different designs over the last few years, as we’ve tried to find the most efficient and effective solution. It has taken time to arrive at a solution that properly manages passenger disruption and cost, while delivering the proper accessibility solution. Teams have been on site to ensure the 3 lift solution is the right one, and we are gearing up with our new supplier to meet our aspirations to deliver the 3 lifts by November 2026.

    Site access (including getting the necessary rail closures on the East Coast Mainline to do construction work) is constrained, and this delivery date is contingent on the project not encountering unexpected challenges. The Eastern regional team will be in touch once they have confirmed additional details at their meeting in February, and throughout the project as we move forward.”

Joanne has written letters to both the CEO of Network Rail and the Secretary of State for Transport, to stress the importance that these works are progressed with no further delays.



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