Site Address: Footpath adjoining147 Durnsford Road N11 2EL
Proposal: Prior notification application for installation of 1no. 12.5m monopole accommodating 3no. antennas with 2no. equipment cabinets, 1no. meter cabinet and ancillary works thereto
Appeal By: Telefonica (UK) Limited
Appeal Reference: APP/Y5420/W/20/3253283
Appeal Start Date: 08/07/2020
I refer to the above details. An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Haringey Council to refuse the above planning application.
The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations. The procedure to be followed is set out in Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2009.
If you wish to make comments or withdraw any representations you made on the application, you must do so within 5 weeks of the ‘Appeal Start Date’ as listed above.
You can do this by emailing All representations must quote the appeal reference. If you do not have access to the internet, you can send 3 copies of your representation (quoting the appeal reference) to: Nicholas Patch, Zone 3D Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and this local planning authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
The appeal documents are available for inspection at 6th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, London, N22 8HQ between 10:00hrs and 16:30hrs between Monday and Friday.
You can get a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s “Guide to taking part in planning appeals” booklets free of charge from GOV.UK at or from us.
When made, the decision will be published online at
Yours faithfully
Dean Hermitage
Head of Planning and Enforcement
These planning people seem very concerned about the aesthetics of planning apps, and I realise I should have mentioned that people often sit on the benches in Harcourt Gardens, so would directly face the phone mast and its cabinets.
Annabel, the dealine for comment is today so you can still write to the planning inspectorate. I was also told that the Planning Inspectorate has the list of those commenting on the application but only being notified on a second time once I have raised the issue so this second group of residents will be allowed 28 days from the date of their notification
That's great, thanks so much, Alessandra.
For myself, I have already emailed the planning inspectorate, so I don't think they'd thank me for emailing again!
This is an area that is in constant use by children and the siting of a mast would obstruct movement and along the footpath, potentially forcing young children into the very busy road.
This is also an area of beauty and a mast is totally out of keeping with the surroundings and detrimental to the appearance of the park and this locality. The right decision is to continue to reject this proposal.
From the council letter it appears that Aug 5th is the deadline for objections/comments. That's THIS Wednesday! Very few people have been informed by the council. Please make your voices heard! Local residents have been protesting about this site being used for a mobile phone mast since 2004. Each time Haringey turns down the planning request with good reason.
The mast and its associated boxes would restrict the space on a busy stretch of pavement between the zebra crossing and the bus stop. At this time when the government advises social distancing it would be crazy to erect a mast in this spot. Not to mention damaging a lovely green space. (Its official name is Harcourt Gardens by the way but sadly, the name seems to have fallen out of use)![7189640068?profile=RESIZE_930x](
I think it should be 12th August - 5 weeks from the Appeal Start Date: 08/07/2020 is specified, so that should be 12th.
I saw a notice in Whittington Road about a similar planning appl. for a phone mast - somebody had stuck up on a hoarding a plan of where the mast was supposed to go, and a notice telling people where to write to to make objections. Might be worth doing the same?
Have you got any more details on the Whittington Rd application?
Sorry, I didn't note the details. The info. (on the hoarding) was at the bottom of the road, where it meets Bounds Green Road.
Hi all,
Please be aware that the deadline for this appeal is the 12th if August, also please use the email in the council letter and listed in the initial post to register your comments and using the appeal reference.
I have mentioned that I have flagged to the Planning department that not all the 75+ residents that commented had received the planning notification and I am pleased to say that the officer has sent emails and letters to all those who objected and commented in the first place. Annabel please let me know if you received a notification this time.
I have also asked for an extension of the deadline since not everyone was notified from the beginning and the officer is waiting to hear from the Planning Inspectorate if the extension will be granted to accommodate the new consultees. I will let you know if there's a new deadline.
The telecom company had 6 months to appeal to the Haringey decision, dated 4.12.19, so it looks like the company must really have waited the end of the 6 months and timed for the peak of summer...