Freddie the cat needs a home - Rehomed

Freddie is a very friendly and loving boy looking for a forever home. One day, Freddie found his way to one of Stokey Cats and Dogs volunteer foster homes by coming to the door, asking for food and refusing to leave. He was in a poor state and it was his way of asking for help.

Stokey thought at first that he was an older boy. He was not neutered and not microchipped. He was skinny, underweight and dehydrated. He was not fit enough at first to undergo anaesthetic to get neutered. Stokey took Freddie to the vets to work on the plan for the best care and then breaking news came through. Further check up and tests showed that his general health was affected by an incredibly sore and infected mouth (sadly cats which do not have regular vet checks often have very sore teeth which cause a lot of pain if not treated). Freddie was booked for an emergency dental the next morning and had full extraction of his teeth. He recovered very quickly and within days he became a different cat. He has an amazing appetite! He put weight on. His blood tests came back all good and he is much younger than originally thought. His vet fees were £290.


As Freddie is FIV+, Stokey are looking for an indoor only home (or home with access to a fully enclosed garden). Freddie's hobbies include eating, sleeping, sitting on his foster carer's lap, watching TV and sitting on the window sill. He also likes catnip and playing with cat toys. Freddie is approximately 5 years old and has now been neutered.

If you are interested in adopting Freddie please email and they will be pleased to send you an application form. Please note home checks apply.

Update - Lucky Freddie has been rehomed. Stokey have more cats needing homes.

Stokey Cats and Dogs are a local volunteer group who rescue local cats. It's vital that cats are neutered as there are so many homeless cats. They rescue cats and get them neutered, microchipped and rehomed. They desperately need and welcome funds donated by the community on their fundraising page here or you can donate via paypal to They also urgently need funds for vet fees. They also have a Wish List on Amazon and have a Stokey Cats and Dogs Facebook group and Stokey Cats Blog where you can read all the latest news on their rescue cats.

I post regularly here in respect of Stokey cats needing homes and photos

More Stokey cats needing homes

List of animal rescue places here

(If you can't offer a permanent home to a cat, Stokey also urgently need more fosterers - which means providing a temporary home for a cat until a permanent home is found. Can you help? You don't need to have a garden to temporarily foster. If more people foster, Stokey will be able to help more homeless cats). Short term or long term fosterers are always needed. If you email Stokey, they will be pleased to send you a foster care application form to join their volunteer foster carers network. Email

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