Just a little south of Alexandra Park at Fairland Park in Harringay there is a free open air classical music day on Saturday the 25th of June, organised by the local community.

Its  here and starts about 3:30pm with two shows for children where they can dress up and participate in the story of some music pieces.

Thats followed by a variety of performances, and musical stories, getting more grown up as the evening progresses.

We're getting a grand piano at the park along with a variety of other instruments, our usual Fairland Park event very reasonably priced hot and cold food and drinks. Tables and chairs for those who like a seat, and plenty of space to spread out a blanket on the grass.

Its the Saturday following the summer solstice so it will be day light well into the evening, and its also the day the final result of the EU referendum will likely be announced, so come celebrate / commiserate the result with friends and music in the park!

Also, there is space for local student / amateur / professional musicians if anyone is interested in performing, and also space if you'd like to have your own food stall at the event. Please get in touch - info.fofp@gmail.com

Hope to see you there!

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