
  • A belated thought about Library opening hours (having sent in my response to the consultation at the last minute!). It occurred to me that there is no particular reason why Central Libraries should have longer opening hours than Branch Libraries, now that many reference questions are answered by internet searches rather than going to the local library - ? And users now have greater need for libraries to be in the local community - particularly school children doing homework and using the computers/wifi in the library, and also people in need of somewhere warm and welcoming! Carers with small children also need somewhere local for quick trips to the children's library.

    So yes, longer opening hours are needed in the east of the borough than the west, as the Council suggest, but I think that opening hours of central and branch libraries should be equalised.

    The snag here is of course that the Council uses central libraries as hubs for council services, which need to be accessible every weekday, all day - but that is not a library function, and does not require the presence of librarians. Their counts of footfall in the libraries presumably includes people going to the council services desks - ? And they prefer to have these services in libraries as welcoming places.

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