Hillside Green Space is in Hillside Gdns at the north end of Tunnel Gdns, just by the exit of the main line tunnel. Churston Gdns is the nearest road.

The Green Space was established in spring 2023 on land licenced from Network Rail. (This was after local residents saw off some lowlife who’d tried to steal the land by fencing it, laying a reinforced concrete raft and claiming ownership!!)

In the last year the Friends Group has planted hedging, fruit trees and perennial wildflowers. We’ve recently had a pond dug, which is newly planted.

We’re now spreading the word about this secluded green space, and to find other active volunteers to help maintain and enhance the 450m2 site.

All welcome – we’ll really look forward to seeing you there.

For more info please visit our website at: https://fohgs.uk/

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