Thanks to Jason Beazley for the information below:

The Council have been trialling the use of dockless bikes (Lime & Forest) in Haringey for some time now - the trial is due to end in Autumn 2025, and the Council have set up Commonplace to allow people to share their thoughts. Deadline for responding is Sunday 9 February.
The various links, which has been copied below, allow you to find out more about the scheme.  
Item 1.  Where you will find general information and FAQs about the scheme, and a questionnaire where you can comment  on the scheme including on your own usage (if relevant).
Item 2. Dedicated e-mail address to send further comments to the Council, should you wish to do so.
Item 3. See the minutes where this was discussed by the Council. N.B. Item 19 refers.
Items 4 & 5.  These are the Codes of Practice with TFL for use of the bikes.



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