Plain colour preferable but otherwise not fussy - trying to reduce waste as much as anything in replacing broken one. I live near AP station but obviously ready to come to wherever you are when convenient.

Also (still) without TOASTER if anyone got a spare (ditto waste reduction mission!)


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  • Hello Tessa, hope you are doing well. Wondering if this toaster is any use? It is from George at Asda and cost about £30 in c. Nov - Dec 2022 (I think). It has never been used. I'm new to this site so not sure how to proceed with exchanging info if you would like it. All best, Francesca ps I also live near AP station12402148297?profile=RESIZE_930x12402148289?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • Hi Francesca, sorry for slow response. Best way to exchange personal info. is to ask the other person to send you a personal message on the site - to do this, they can click on your name, and then on the Message button.

      When you receive a message, the little envelope at top right of the page will have a red number next to it (indicating how many messages are waiting for you!).


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