Hi all - Some of you had asked about this application, and I can now confirm that an application has been submitted for 20 Crescent Road. You can see the details here: https://haringey.gov.uk/business/licensing/licensing-applications-under-consultation , at the bottom of the page. Deadline for comments is 19 March. Details on how to comment and next steps can be found here: 


Even if the page is about alcohol licence some of the general principles still apply to all licenses. Also in case some of you have seen this already, please note this is the second post on this, as I couldn't find the previous one, I may have deleted by mistake.

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  • All - in response to some queries on this. The application is for 'Sauna and steam room' treatment. The original application for a gym was approved in February 2024 : https://publicregister.haringey.gov.uk/pr/s/planning-application/a0...

    Please ignore the note on how to comment based on the principles of the Licencing Act 2003. 

    Officers have mentioned that the 'massage and special treatment' licencing process is managed under the 'London Autorities Act 1991'  rather than the 'Licencing Act 2003'. Many apologies for the confusion, I am aware that some of you have already made representations.

    Based on what I gather from officers comments should rather focus on suitability of the premises with respect to safe heating, lighting, sanitation, ventilation, fire precaution, likehood of nuisance in the area, qualifications of those giving the treatment, safety of equipment etc.

    Please see more here: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukla/1991/13/part/II/enacted




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