During recent times we have appreciated connection more than ever, the value of a conversation and human interaction has become more important as time has passed. For many of us this regular communication is not as often as we would like and we are missing meeting people.
Chickenshed is reacting to these challenging times with a brand-new initiative. Living Letters is a project that connects people, and in doing so aims to improve communication and develop intergenerational friendships. Chickenshed's Young Company, aged from 18-21 expressed a wish to connect with senior members of our community. Understanding their own loneliness from lockdown, they were aware that other might find themselves also alone. So we set about joining people together through letter writing.
We are all experiencing change in our lives - no matter what age we are - and it's good to share these experiences with each other.
Would you like to participate? Or do you know someone who you think would benefit from some extra correspondence each week during this time?
If you do, the only thing we ask is that you/they have access to email. We will guide you/them through the whole process and give plenty of support. There is no charge to be involved.