There has been an explosion of activity at grassroots level to help our communities cope with the day-to-day practicalities of the coronavirus crisis. The Alexandra Ward COVID-19 WhatsApp group has grown exponentially and yesterday evening there was a virtual meeting to find ways to co-ordinate efforts more effectively. What seems to be emerging is that local street groups may be best placed to offer support to their neighbours as they know their patch best. Resident Clara Potter-Sweet and Cllr Nick da Costa are working on streamlining local responses to the crisis.
Alexandra Ward COVID-19 Mutual Aid Volunteers
If you'd like to volunteer to help, eg with leafletting, delivering shopping or other errands, or talking to people on the phone, you can join the group using the following form:
Alexandra Facebook group
In order to have a place where people can share posts, stories and photos, an Alexandra Ward Facebook group has been set up