Exciting news: our free community food sharing app OLIO is now available across ALL of Alexandra Park! Since it launched in a tiny corner of N. London in July OLIO has been used 1000s of times to enable good food to be shared, not thrown away. We're thrilled!

It's fun, easy to use, and a great way to save money, meet your neighbours and tackle food waste. If OLIO has just come to your street, you can help ensure it takes off by pro-actively adding any surplus food - go on, have a look in your cupboard - something is gathering dust! Alternatively, perhaps you have an allotment and have fresh veg to share?. 

It's totally free, and you can download from the App Store or Google Play.

OLIO is a social enterprise and our mission is to unlock the value of food that is wasted in the home and community.


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