The Government has announced that a national Windrush Day will take place on 22 June every year to celebrate the contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.
To see what events will be taking place this coming weekend check out
The campaign started and led by Floella Benjamin in the House of Lords sought a national day for the recognition of the contributions made by the Windrush Generation and immigrants and immigrant communities in general. On Jun 13 Floella said: "Let’s give people from all ethnic backgrounds a reason to celebrate their unique identities, histories and rightful home in UK… [by] recognising 22nd June as ‘National Windrush Day’ … A National Windrush Day will serve to rebuild trust in migrant communities, protect migrants from scapegoating and give confidence that their voices are being heard… [It will] send out a message that diverse communities are to be celebrated for their enrichment of British culture and society."
I will be doing that by spending 22nd June sewing my banner and marching against Brexit from Hyde Park to Westminster the next day - 23 June. Brexiters nativist vision for Britain excludes immigrants like me, so I choose to oppose it. Hope some of you choose to join too.