Line Dancing – 29th January, 10:30am (beginners’ class) and 1pm (advanced class) at Tottenham Town Hall


Line Dancing Image

Entry fee: £5

Join us for a fun and exciting line dancing class with Carol! At this event, you’ll learn basic or more advanced line dancing manoeuvres in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in exercise through dance. 

Line dancing reduces stress, brings you joy, keeps your body and mind fit. So if you want to shake off those winter blues and step into a gentle workout to keep you moving, connect and have some fun, contact us to get involved! 

Line dancing classes will run every Wednesday from the 29th of January with a beginner’s class at 10:30 am and an advanced at 1pm. Classes are £5 to be paid on arrival. 


Find out more and register HERE

For more information, visit in our website the UPCOMING EVENTS


If you have any questions, email us at!

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