Don’t forget to come along to our Summer Fete on Sunday June 14th, 1-5pm! Donations of cakes and plants would be very welcome.
It would also be great to have some more helpers for the stalls which will be selling cakes, plants and punch, and offering mask and headress making for kids, a not-a-coconut-shy, and the famous Water Game. All proceeds go to the PGRA’s funds for its street gardening and community events.
If you would like to help, please send a message to Kevin Stanfield or Tony Hopkins on this site (click on the envelope icon at top right of the page, then on the plus sign), or through the PGRA website.
There’ll also be excellent live music and conjuring, Hornsey Historical Society and the Friends of Alexandra Park, with books, maps, information and activities, and PGRA members happy to discuss local issues.