12686646476?profile=RESIZE_400xFrom Alexandra Palace:

Fresh from a spin at this year’s Glastonbury Festival, Gusty Spinfield - a 28-metre-tall, bright pink and purple wind turbine created by Octopus Energy - will be coming to Ally Pally between 6-25 July to help provide power to our Summer Season of outdoor events.*

We will be publicising Gusty from today.  Our dedicated webpage includes all information, via this link. You can also read our FAQs here.

Gusty will only be here temporarily, but it offers an amazing opportunity for us to learn more about incorporating green energy into our events.

We want to reduce the impact Alexandra Palace has on the environment and we have an ambitious vision to become a sustainable home for all that we do. Gusty is just one of a number of steps we are taking, as we start on this exciting journey.



*more specifically:

Gusty will power one of the bars for our Summer Season of outdoor events, as well as catering units at Kaleidoscope Festival (13 July). In real terms this will only amount to small energy saving, but it is a huge step forward in our approach to energy use for our events, and will provide us valuable insight into one particular green energy source.

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