Hi all

Would anyone please be kind enough to give an update on the on-going to the playground at Oliver Tambo recreation ground, work on it seems to have stopped around a month ago and it now looks abandoned 



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  • I believe the initial estimated completion was before Christmas (but they didn't say which Christmas!).  There have been periods - especially in January - when the play area was just a sea of mud and water which would have stopped work for a while.  However, even in the dry spells last year and this spring I've noticed week days when there has been nobody working there.  And other days when they've started quite late and finished well before it gets dark.  I would question just what's in their contract, how much they're being paid and if they're being monitored by the council at all?

  • I think they are very behind their schedule. The work of the landscapers was supposed to be finished at the end of January and yet they are only just back working after a long break. They told me it would be 'weeks' till they finish. Then the land has to be seeded with grass. I spoke to one of the Community Volunteers last weekend who was making a willow structure and she said she thought the park might open in May. It's very slow. They are all blaming the weather which seems rather disingenuous as the works were scheduled for winter and surely bad weather has to be expected!

  • Hi Nick, I am aware the site seemed abandoned, have asked for confirmation during the week and it seems that contractors have been able to resume work this week after a period where the ground was too wet for any work, especially the southern end. I was told by officers that team and machinery was stuck in mud and unable to work and also why many of you have seen, and reported, the site being vacant for the past 3-4 weeks.

    Now, weather permitting, operations should resume with more operatives on the ground. In the next weeks and until end of March, contractors will complete paths and resurfacing, levelling and preparing the ground seeding and turfing the site.

    Some tree planting from nearby schools and pond planting with the The Conservation Volunteers will take place at end of March, followed by a period of 4-6 weeks will then be required for establishing of the grass. During this time Haringey operatives will be watering all the planting and turf/seed. 

    The team is planning for a late May opening. I have stressed the importance of the playground for the local community and asked to ensure there's enough resources to ensure that the timetable for a May opening is kept.

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