We seem to have a different postman every day, each dashing around like mad. Our lovely old postman has disappeared - anyone else the same experience?
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Yes, I seem to have lost my regular postman and when I asked, I was told he was now on a different round.
The postmen seem to all be shuffled around.
As to regards postmen, I have noticed a change of post and I was wondering if anyone has had missing parcels over the Christmas period? For the first time in years, I have had 2 parcels go missing.
Were they delivered by Royal Mail or a courier service? I've heard that some of the latter put parcels in recycling bins if nobody is in, with predictable consequences!
We lost the same postman. I inquired and was told he had been transferred to another patch even though he had wanted to stay here.
Yes, I did mean to write to the local office about it - annoyed that I didn't!