The Friends of Alexandra Park reported the decision of the Board of Trustees on this issue in their October newsletter:

Last month we reported on the Trust management’s proposal (details were posted here) to apply for a Premises Licence for Alexandra Park which, if approved, would allow a large increase in the number of events in the park, namely up to 43 event days (plus necessary days of setting up and breaking down) per year.  We received many comments from members of the Friends and others. The Board of Trustees met after hearing the unanimous expressions of concern from the Friends of Alexandra Park and local residents about the effect on wildlife, flora and fauna, and increased noise, litter and traffic resulting from an increased number and scale of park events.
The Board and management recognised these concerns, and the Board decided that, although the licence application could go ahead as proposed, the number of events days will be limited to 30 in 2017/18, and not increased without Board approval.  The Trust management has also to formalise its monitoring and reporting in relation to impacts, event management quality, together with actions and investment to manage the potential impacts on the park and make it more resilient for hosting events. 

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