From the Friends of Alexandra Park:

The drought is causing a number of concerns about its impact in the park. Mark Evison, the Park Manager has sent us this update on actions which address some of these concerns:

Rose Garden Fountain: the level of the water in the fountain is being monitored. There isn’t a convenient in-built tap to allow easy refilling, but the Park team used the water bowser to add 2,000 litres last week.

Boating Lake: The level of the water is quite low. However, refilling with mains water is not an option. The minerals in the water would cause an algal bloom, which in turn would deplete the oxygen in the water overnight.
Two aerators are in operation to maintain the oxygen levels. The water is also being monitored for toxic blue-green algae, and at present it's clear.

Long grass and fire risk: The number of security patrols has been increased, and extra staff booked for the weekends and upcoming bank holiday. This will increase surveillance of BBQs and fires, and decrease response times 'in the event of'. The John O'Conner team are currently making arrangements to bring forward the cutting and baling of the meadow grass for a couple of reasons: 1. To reduce the amount of fuel on site and 2. A fire would impact the wildlife much more than mowing earlier than usual.

Water leaks in the Grove: these leaks are in very old and corroded water pipes which supply all the buildings in the Grove and the Garden Centre. Repair is complicated by a lack of any valves to isolate the problem areas, and the need to provide temporary alternative water supplies. However repair of the leaks is being organised.

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