"The play weaves together the experiences of three UK food bank volunteers: Zahra (Mya Fraser), who is shaped by memories of helping her grandmother on her farm in Zimbabwe; Daniel (Onthium Klarcks), a former trainee lawyer who now relies on Deliveroo shifts for his income after seeking asylum from Sudan; and Raf (Luis Ribeiro), a young man who has recently been evicted from his flat after his factory hours were cut. Their shared goal of building food security in their community becomes heightened in the face of a new threat ... 

The versatility of the performers, whose range encompassed not just acting but dance, poetry and painting, was complemented by the versatility of the set and the props, which for the majority of the show were minimalistic and industrial but by the end had transformed into a fittingly pastoral, colourful collage. Even the use of lighting had a tangible effect on the dialogue, especially the red lights beaming from a sinister statue whenever greenwashing businessmen were broadcast... [read more] "

One day only - Friday 7 March, either 2pm or 6pm, at Old School House, Holy Trinity, Philip Lane N15 4GZ.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seed-guardians-tickets-1244835589759?aff=oddtdtcreator


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