Fantastic work in clearing graphiti Michael. Well done!!
Tamsin, Thank you very much for your initiative; it would be great to spruce up the Triangle and I am up for it. I have had donation of enamel and blackboard paint from a neighbour (Janice, thank you very much!) to repaint the notice board and would welcome help with it.. Michael has the key for it.
The whole place has evolved from the original chairs at the back that we put up during Covid lockdown to enable the neighbours to meet up. Michael helped build the tree bench. There is no group managing it. People have just kept adding chairs and tables. I have chained mine to ensure they stay in place.
Some of what is there now is not to my taste, but it has, since the lockdown, become a community place with everyone welcome to use it and add to it what is by common agreement of benefit to other users as well. The paintings have been done by different people. A couple of neighbours used it for an art installation. The lampshade and the paintigs attached to the raised bed are left from their event. A lovely young couple did masses of work with their friends - painted the oil drums tables and chairs and made rapairs, built the book swap cupboard, etc. They have since left the neighbourhood and we are in need of volunteers to help us clear the back beds in the spring (I have some fruit bushes that could be planted there for the birds to enjoy).
I also have two sail canopies (one had been put up by Tom, our neighbour Janice's son, but got torn off during a storm) and a number of solar powered fairy lights to hang about, but we need a fit person to climb the ladder to attach these. I plan to replace the hanging baskets by the bus stop in spring but, again, may need help with the ladder.
So, if you are interested, please contact me via this chat. My husband and I will help and I will ask some of my neighbours too. Alas, none of us are young.
Indijana Harper
27 Palace Gates Rd