As the number of UK Coronavirus victims surpasses 30,000, it is likely that we all know someone who has been affected, or even lost their life to this on-going pandemic. In memory of these innocent and heroic victims I am asking for the UK to join together in observing a minute’s silence and reflection for all Coronavirus victims, every Monday at 8pm, in the same way as we clap for our carers each week. 

By having a weekly moment to sombrely reflect on all those who have lost their life to this terrible crisis - as we would for any other loss of life on this scale - it is hoped that the genuine life and death situation we are living in will hit home for those tempted to flout government guidelines and hamper the work being done by so many to reduce infection.

As the UK begins to discuss exiting lockdown, it is now more important than ever to remind those who might be tempted to ignore social distancing and isolation measures by taking unnecessary public trips and making visits to friends and family, why we are doing this. 

We must work together to prevent the virus spreading any further within our country and communities, causing such devastating loss of life and adding even more pressure for our heroic NHS workers.  

Please join us in a minutes reflection for all Coronavirus victims this Monday at 8pm, and every Monday until we can truly say we have defeated this terrible virus.4817284862?profile=RESIZE_710x

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