Good morning all - Have received the communication below from Thames Water about the Bedford Road work. You may have seen the leak and water running out in the vicinity of Bedford Road which Thames Water are trying to repair. Temporary traffic lights have been installed near the junction with Palace Gates Road, please be aware. A letter has been delivered to all nearby residents but I think it could be of interest of many more in the area. Please also see contact details and reference to quote: 

I am writing to inform you about works which we will be carrying out that may affect you.
Our work
We are working to repair an emergency leak on our pipe in the vicinity of Bedford Road. This will enable us to continue to supply top quality drinking water.
When we’ll be working
We’re planning to work along Bedford Road from Tuesday 28th May 2024 for approximately two weeks. Our working hours will be Monday to Saturday 7:00am – 7:00pm. If this changes, we’ll let you know in advance.
How you’re affected?
You might notice an increase in noise in your area, but we’ll do our best to keep all disruptions to a minimum. We may also need to turn off your water supply for a short time. If we need to do this, we’ll send you a letter explaining when, what time, and for how long. If you notice any changes like your water going off unexpectedly, let us know by calling 0800 316 9800, selecting option one and quoting your above reference number.
Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience you may experience, and we’ll do everything we can to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.
Contacting us
Please ask our team on site as they’re always happy to help. Or get in touch with us by calling 0800 316 9800, selecting option one and quoting reference number BB70088882.
If you are a business customer, you may wish to contact your Retailer for any additional information relating to our work.

I am checking with Haringey Council if there have been notified and any diversion may be in place and will keep you posted.

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