Hi all - have been informed by Network Rail that works for vegetation management along the railway between Finsbury Park and Wood Green will be carried out by their contractor, QTS,on Chrisrmas Day. The work involves removing trees and vegetation that could potentially disrupt the safe operation of the railway.
The team will be working during the following times: Wednesday 25 December 07:00 to Friday 27 December 02:00
They appreciate that working near homes overnight not ideal expecially during holidays time but due to the railway being closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, this is the safest time to access the railway to undertake this essential work and the team will try to minimise unnecessary disruption as much as possible. I was told that where appropriate, logs and branches will either be left on-site to create a safe habitat for wildlife, chipped and spread evenly, or completely removed from the area.
Network Rail has also written to lineside neighbours - I imagine this would be residents of Dagmar Road in our area - to inform them of this work as well as local community groups providing the information above and a contact point ( 24 hours national helpline 03457-11 41 41) but reposting here in case it was missed.
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