We're a group of volunteers supporting Haringey adults learn to read or improve their reading. We set up Read Easy Haringey in 2022 and now have 20 pairs of coaches and readers who meet twice a week for one-to-one sessions. We now need to recruit another volunteer Coordinator who can help us support our ever-growing number of reading pairs.  

If you're an organised individual who is enthusiastic about helping adults acquire a really life-changing skill, we'd love to hear from you. We're looking for someone who's able to travel within the borough of Haringey and can commit to visiting and supporting our Coaches on a regular basis.  A knowledge of phonics and/or supporting people with learning needs such as dyslexia would be a real advantage but is not essential. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Carmel (contact details on poster) if you’d like to find out more in an informal chat.12605944694?profile=RESIZE_710x

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