Now in its fifty-first year, the Hornsey Historical Society is one of the best and most active local history groups in London.

We produce books and publications, maintain and research our comprehensive archive, organise lectures and visits, publish our award-winning Bulletin and Newsletter, work with local schools and keep our excellent website updated. 

We keep an eye on Hornsey planning applications and make comments when needed. We are also represented in local conservation and campaign groups.

The HHS wouldn’t be able to do any of this without the dedication and help of our team of volunteers.

Colleagues open our shop, sell books and answer questions from locals curious about their street, the school they attended or asking for information about long passed family members.

They help us set up stalls, post orders, keep the Old School House looking good, catalogue the archive and keep the website ticking over.

All of this takes a lot of effort, but it is a terrific way of finding out more about Hornsey’s astonishing history and it is also a lot of fun!

We are looking for people to join the team.

Other than time and enthusiasm, we don’t ask for any specific skills, but if you have some knowledge of IT, of retail, accounts, research, publishing or education we would love to hear from you.

If you would like to chat to someone and find out more, from us email with your name and mobile number and we’ll give you a call.


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