10258333668?profile=RESIZE_400xIt seems to be still there - just various bits of it renamed. The vegan restaurant is now run by  MAAD (they run another in Westminster), but it doesn't seem to have a website as yet. New menu (at least for take-aways) is here. Karamel still hosts music and other performances at the same place, including Collage Kids.There's a space for exhibitions too.

The stage out the back has become the McQueen's Theatre, which is a community based black box studio theatre that serves grassroots organisations and localised theatre. The McQueens is named after various people, starting with Thelma or Butterfly McQueen [who] was famously Prissy the maid in Gone with the Wind and a great many other films and classic television too. She was unable to attend the 1939 film premiere because it was screened in a whites-only cinema. She later earned an Emmy for outstanding achievement in children’s television.

The whole site (Collage Artspace 1) is co-ordinated by Collage Arts.

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