Hi all,

We would greatly appreciate if you could take a few minutes to answer a short 4 multiple choice-question survey about loneliness. We are trying to understand the impact of isolation and loneliness in Haringey and build a general picture so we can better help the community.


The link is here: Isolation Survey


The link will take you to the survey, and once you are done, it will prompt a "login" or create account, please feel free to ignore that as the answer will be registered and no further action is needed.


We’re here to listen and your feedback could make a difference!


Let us know if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

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If you wish to give somebody your contact details, you may prefer to do so by personal message (click on little envelope at top of page, then on +Compose) rather than putting it in a post which is visible to everyone.


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