APN summer gathering 15th July

A huge shout out to the brave souls who came along to the APN summer gathering in the pouring rain last Monday evening. It was fantastic to see you in your cagoules, rain hats and umbrellas! Having re-scheduled the event once already due to the Euros, we did think we would de-camp to the pub if the weather became too challenging. In the end, we sheltered under the wonderful huge tree on the Triangle and conversation flowed despite the rain. It was one of those strange dark summer evenings we have been getting so many of, but it was great to be able to talk to neighbours over a glass of wine. Also, lovely to celebrate the NEW BUNTING we have put up on the Triangle. It looks so welcoming - do check it out when you next come by. As ever, huge thanks to Annabel, Ado and Alex for making all the arranagements. Next time, we will try to arrange for better weather!

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