This was the amazing interior of Broomfield House (just the other side of the north circular, beyond Bounds Green station) before it was destroyed by fire over 20 years ago. The murals are now stored in pieces, and there is a project afoot to get funding to restore them and the house - further details at their website (which has a film about the house and park) and facebook page (further information from Colin Younger on Bowes and Bounds Connected).
Information from the Facebook page:
Broomfield House Trust’s aim is to restore Broomfield House, and the Lanscroon murals (currently stored in pieces) so that it could be enjoyed as a heritage and learning centre, a place which schools can use to bring history alive, and a venue to display artworks and other collections. It would offer a café and meeting rooms - serving as a much needed social hub in this beautiful park. The House could also serve as a focus for conferences and events and be fully accessible to local residents, visitors and heritage tourists.
However, we need to find £4m to add to a possible £2m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to do this. This is now a matter of urgency. We are trying to persuade Enfield Council to find a way of staging restoration work. Any ideas on how this significant target can be met would be welcome.
We are also applying for a grant to create a digital history of Broomfield House and for a trial restoration of sections of the Lanscroon murals. If this is successful we will be mounting an exhibition about Broomfield House and park at the Dugdale Centre in 2018. Our website below notes area where volunteers can help: PLEASE GET IN TOUCH if you think you can HELP.
I had no idea the house had such an opulent interior - incredible and thank you Annabel for posting!