Buglife is the only charity in Europe devoted to saving invertebrates; these include bees and other pollinators.
This quote from David Attenborough is on its Home Page:
The charity recently officially launched its 'B-Lines' maps. 'B-Lines' are pollinator friendly corridors all over the UK, which Buglife and its many partners have created over the past few years. You'll see the UK B-Lines map on the Buglife site.
The B-Line running north-south through London includes most of Haringey.
You’ll have seen the lovely wildflowers below the Ally Pally terrace. We can reproduce these in our gardens, either by scattering wildflower seeds, easily available from garden centres or on ebay, or by making seed bombs, seeds mixed with compost and a clay slurry, shaped into balls, then dried.
A great thing for children – and especially primary schools – to be involved with. A lovely muddy mess and then watching things grow.
As part of Haringey’s Local Plan, it’s preparing a new Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). It’s difficult to imagine a more critical time for the council to be doing this, or how vital it is that it should properly inform local planning, and not be left on one side when political expediency demands.
And what better way to mark a new BAP and show Haringey how deeply residents care?
Big actions start with small local steps. So please think about helping the pollinators and seed a few square metres of your garden, a pot or a window-box.
Inspired by your post I dug out some wildflower seeds given to me as presents and have sown them.
Great stuff Susie. The local bees will give you a wave!
I forgot to include above that Haringey's Climate Action Plan has included objectives about biodiversity.
One of these is reducing verge mowing, partly to save fuel.
However if you look at the attached link to the Rotherham local paper you'll see what happened when Roithermham Council decided, instead of mowing, to seed 8 miles of verges with wildflowers. A glorious sight
Think what Bounds Green Road would look like if LBH did that.