From 10am on Tuesday 14th until 5am on Wednesday 15th February a film shoot will be taking place along the South Terrace of Alexandra Palace. During this period the top of
Alexandra Palace Way will be closed to traffic. The W3 bus will be diverted down Wood Green High Road, from Lordship Lane N22 to Middle Lane N8.

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  • Filming at the palace is a Benedict Cumberbatch film, about Thomas Edison.

    Here is Ally Pally dressed up to represent the entrance to the Columbian Exposition of 1893 (also known as Chicago World's Fair) where early prototypes of the fluorescent light bulb3377006?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 were on display.

    The fair was also the setting for America's first documented serial killer. So the film's possibly not just about light bulbs.

  • I heard a rumour it's a Benedict Cumberbatch movie they're filming. Not my cup of tea, but if they want to avoid traffic jams, that's not going to help!

    • Well, they must have kept it very secret, because there were few people there when I went past!

    • Sounds interesting - tell me more!

  • That's going to be difficult for people who rely on public tranport. Of course I'm pleased there's filming at the Palace (anyone know what it's about?) but just wish it could be done without suspending a key public service.

    • I went past earlier today and saw that someone has built an arch on the terrace which says on it something like 'World Columbian Exhibition' and there is a date which I thought was 1883, but perhaps it says 1893, which Wikipedia says was the date of the Chicago World Fair - so the Palace may be standing in for that (in which case it doesn't actually look very like the original).

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