On Tuesday morning Friends of Ally Pally Station hosted a get-together with people from other groups of station friends at Welwyn and Gipsy Hill, members of the national Community Rail Network team, and special guests Stephen Morgan MP, shadow minister for railways, and our MP Catherine West. Community Rail week is a chance to celebrate what community groups like the Friends have been doing with their stations to decorate and care for them all round the country.

Michael Solomon Williams, who convenes the Friends group, showed the guests round the things Friends have provided - benches, planters, flowers, shrubs, paintings ... and ended with coffee at the Yard Cafe in the station entrance accompanied by Mozart, folksongs and more from musical neighbours.

12572327091?profile=RESIZE_584xHosts and guests.

More pictures in the gallery.

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  • It was a really good event and great that the visitors stayed long enough to really talk to people. The music in the station foyer was a massive hightlight - huge thanks to wonderful neighbours from Crescent Road and Bidwell Gardens.

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