This was pushed through our letterbox on Sunday,
Apart from anything else, the online feedback form doesn't have 'Yes' or 'No' as options.......I have emailed Frontline for clarification, I will update when I get a response.
This was pushed through our letterbox on Sunday,
Apart from anything else, the online feedback form doesn't have 'Yes' or 'No' as options.......I have emailed Frontline for clarification, I will update when I get a response.
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For some reason I didn't get one of these, though I bumped into neighbours on Sunday evening canvassing opinion on my street.
It doesn't sound as if it will be the 'full consultation' they are proposing, if relevant people haven't even received the letter! Given the botched last consultation over the CPZ extension, perhaps it is important that there is a 'full consultation' this time? At least, that lots of people respond to their letter.
In case anyone else did not receive it who should have done - it simply asks you to let the Traffic Management team know whether or not you would like a full consultation on 'parking controls in the area' on their Parking Feedback online form at
Closing date 16 May. The buttons on the form Support/Object presumably translate into 'yes' I would like a full consultation, or 'no'? There's also a box for comments, or you can email them at, with 'Alexandra Palace CPZ' as the subject.
Thanks Annabel - this is really helpful and the link worked fine.