12741594271?profile=RESIZE_400xAs I walked past the wildlife area in the Rec yesterday, there were people and diggers working there. Somebody I asked said that they were building a new path, moving the fence (it looked as if it was going to be moved out to the edge of the main path), and digging out the pond to 'improve' it. Sounds as if it might be positive news - does anyone have more info. about this?

[the photo is an old one]

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  • The larger part of the work on the playground area and linking it via a gate to the wildlife area is due to start in the first week of Sept and finish on 30 Nov.  However, I'm wondering if the council is then going to maintain the wildlife area and clean out the pond every so often.  This has largely been left to volunteers (along with other Winton/Bidwell residents I helped initially with the pond installation and cutting back overgrowth) - and the area became a bit too 'wild' with the seating areas completely overgrown.  With the new pathway there will be more people passing through it to get to the playground, I should think.  Is that going to be good for the wildlife?


    • Wow I see that the creation of the pond started in August 2016! I had assumed that the Friends of the Rec had been responsible for setting the project going - with FrogLife actually creating the pond (with the permission of the Council, of course!). The Friends certainly seemed to organise all the workparties, and let us all know on this website how the work was going. Then, when the pond liner very annoyingly sprang a leak, they got Heritage Lottery Funding to get that sorted out. All in all, they seemed to work very, very hard! But Katy Ferguson said the originators were, as you say, the Council and TCV:

      The pond was jointly planned by The Conservation Volunteers, (TCV) and Haringey Council back in 2012, work was organised by Froglife and carried out by Ponds UK in August 2016. Unfortunately, due to holidays, key officers on long term sick leave, very poor communication and the natural lack of growth over winter the pond enclosure remained neglected, looking like a muddy ditch surrounded by mounds of earth.


      She was putting out a call for volunteers to take part in a Pond Planting Day.


      I helped with planting hedging provided by TCV, on a very snowy, icy day - I'm surprised any of the slips took. All irrelevant now, with the new boundary ... And helped with weeding or something on another occasion - can't quite remember what.


      So yes, maybe there needs to be negotiation with the Council as to respective roles!

      Pond Planting Day
      We have a ‘planting and plugging’ day at the pond enclosure at the Winton/Bidwell corner of Albert Recreation Ground on Saturday 22nd April, 11am - 3…
  • There will be a new wildlife area and play facility. 2283-WWA-LS-ZZ-D-L-0101-S4-P06-Masterplan.pdf12742951479?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Many thanks for this, Matt.


  • If you live in the local area you should have received a notification from Haringey Council about the planned redevelopment of the nature area/pond and adjacent playgound.  Phase 1 is from 15 July for 3 weeks - essential prep work around the nature area.  Phase 2  will be from 1 Sept to 30 Nov - the whole playground and nature area will be completely redeveloped with a fence and gate between the two areas and new entrances.  During Phase 2 there'll be no access from the Winton Rd or Wroxham gates - you can enter the Rec from Durnsford Rd or via the gate at the top end of Bidwell Gardens.  See the redevelopment plan at:  ortamborecreationgroundplay.commonplace.is.  Scroll down to find the master plan.

    • Ah no, we didn't receive notification from LBH about the redevelopment, although we certainly live in the loca area. These days notification about planning applications is only sent to a few nearby properties - which is why I think it is so important that we have information about them on APN.

      Alessandra very helpfully posted info. about the playground refurbishment, while it was being consulted on - but I wasn't aware that the wildlife area was involved as well (I didn't have contributions to make about the playground area!).

    • I seem to recall there were 2 different proposals for the playground and wildlife area but in both plans they were linked by a gate.  I live on Winton Ave - behind the Rec - and I saw those plans over a year ago when the work was supposed to start in Oct 2023.  I don't think the wildlife area was ever in the right place.  Tennis balls and other debris are always finding their way into the pond and the area hasn't been well maintained since the initial planting years ago.  A better area might have been the 'dip' on the other side of the Pavilion, where the copse is.

    • Having got round to looking at the very detailed plan, I think it could be amazing! Though it is rather hard to visualize. VERY ambitious. I like the swale with the stepping logs, the living willow teepees and tunnel, and the dome climbing net! More trees and benches. Easy access between wildlife area and playground, meadow in both - though as you say, maintenance could be a problem. Unless everyone is so enthused by it that there's general co-operation with maintenance!

      I actually think it's be a shame to have the wildlife pond in the dell - it's such a lovely space for children to climb trees and roll down the slope and use the wooden play equipment and have picnics in an enclosed space.

      True, the tennis balls are a problem - higher fence? long fishing net available to fish them out with ?!


    • Ah, ok - will check it out! Yes, I did see a lot of tennis balls in the pond. Thanks for info.


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