• Apr 22, 2017 from 11:00am to 3:00pm
  • Location: Pond enclosure near the Winton Ave/Bidwell Gardens entrance at Albert Road Recreation Ground, Albert Road, N22.
  • Latest Activity: Apr 17, 2017

We have a ‘planting and plugging’ day at the pond enclosure at the Winton/Bidwell corner of Albert Recreation Ground on Saturday 22nd April, 11am - 3pm.

The pond was jointly planned by The Conservation Volunteers, (TCV) and Haringey Council back in 2012, work was organised by Froglife and carried out by Ponds UK in August 2016. Unfortunately, due to holidays, key officers on long term sick leave, very poor communication and the natural lack of growth over winter the pond enclosure remained neglected, looking like a muddy ditch surrounded by mounds of earth.

With the spring some wild flowers and grass has grown but we need to plant more and weed out what shouldn’t be there. The pond appears to have a leak. We are letting the water level drop and Alan Shearman from Froglife has arranged for the delivery of Bentonite clay to spread on the exposed area which will plug any gap when we will refill it on the same day, 22nd April. We will also be planting lily pads, oxygenating plant 'bombs', water mint etc and wild flower and grasses for the seating mounds.

Please bring along your garden tools (marked with your address), your wellies, your energy & enthusiasm! Alan will be providing information packs and education on the types of reptiles, bees, butterflies & birds that we are trying to attract.

The next stage is making sure that people know this area is open for young & old (but no dogs) and the grass and mounds are for sitting on – it’s an area for play and picnics. Later on we will also be planting hedges and native fruit trees to make it into a wildlife area.

We have a very small park on our doorstep & we are aiming to use every spare inch to maximise its use. 

Do come along on the 22nd if you have the time or inclination.

And let us know that you are coming so we have enough information packs for everyone.

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of Alexandra Park Neighbours to add comments!

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  • Thank you Sara
    Sounds a lovely pond. I'll check out your point about transferring tadpoles.
    The pond has now been filled with water and I'm hopeful that the project is getting back on track. Will update asap.
  • Wonderful news to hear the pond has been filled today. I'm sure someone will be able to donate frogsbawn over the next week or two..
  • Good for Tadpoles!! and Robby and the Haringey Parks people, of course. I'm not an amphibian, and don't have any frogspawn - but was hoping to learn something about setting up a wildlife pond, which has been a longterm ambition of mine (somewhat put off by the considerable maintenance required, though ...).
  • Frogs fight back !!
    The latest update on the Frog pond fiasco is that Robby and the Haringey Parks people have filled the pond with water today. Tadpoles have moved in and are staging a sit in. Let's show the complainant that we value wildlife and bio-diversity by coming along to the planting session on April 22nd . Please bring frogspawn if you have any spare in your pond.
    Albert Road Rec extends a warm welcome to all amphibians !
  • Froglife are doing this after just one complaint from a resident? That doesn't seem right! I assumed that it took time for the pond to become wildlife-friendly.
  • Unfortunately the Frog Pond project is now under threat!
    It seems not everyone is keen to promote biodiversity and wildlife habitats in our park. Apparently a resident has complained about the state of the pond to Froglife who have now decided to fill it in. This is very sad as we had a planting and maintenance day planned for April 22nd with local residents keen to help. The Conservation Volunteers had also offered to assist in developing a healthy pond. It's unfortunate that such a promising project is now likely to be abandoned. While the pond area may look unfinished at present with a bit of local input it could have become a valuable asset to the park.
  • Oh dear, the pond lining can't be very good if it's punctured that soon!
  • Thanks Annabel - unfortunately the pond seems to have drained into the clay soil so trying to get Haringey on the case asap!
  • That's great - an ambitious project for Haringey Parks and FARRG! Yes, I've put myself down as coming along on the day.
  • As I understand - the pond was in the Haringey Park Management Plan but work was actually done by Froglife. FARRG is involved to try and ensure that the pond enclosure is properly finished, planted & maintained. It will be a great addition to the park eventually - and new habitats/biodiversity etc is part of our aim to improve and enrich the park. Come along if you can!
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Events and Activities

February-March 2025


Events at the All Good Bookshop this month (35 Turnpike Lane).

Thursday 13 February – Jim Rattigan: Triplicity at Karamel, 4 Coburg Road N22, 7pm.

Sunday 16 February – Walk along Parkland Walk with Haringey Circle, 11.30-1.30pm.

Sunday 16 February – Show your Love for Ally Pally Station at Bedford Rose Garden, 3-5pm.

Wednesday 19 February – Will our Government Rise to the Urgent Climate Challenge? At Hornsey Parish Church Hall, Cranley Gardens (bottom), 1.30-3pm.

Thursday 20 February – Akrodha: a zer0classikal EXTRAPOLATE world premiere at Karamel, 4 Coburg Road N22, 7pm.

Friday 21 February – Alma Latina Album Release Party at Karamel, 4 Coburg Road N22, 7pm.

Saturday 22 February – Lunchtime Concert at St Andrew’s Church, Alexandra Park Road N10 (corner of Windermere Road), 1pm. Bach, Teleman and Prokofiev. Festival of Chapels.

Sunday 23 February – Messy Church @ Muswell Hill Methodist Church, 28 Pages Lane N10, 3.30-5.30pm.

Tuesday 25 February – Sustainable Fashion: an evening of talks at Muswell Hill Methodist Church, 28 Pages Lane N10, 7.30pm. Muswell Hill Sustainbility Group.

Saturday 1 March – Crochet ‘next steps’ workshop at Raphi & Flo, 832 Green Lanes, winchmore Hill, N21 2RT, 10.30-12pm.

Sunday 2 – 30 March – Muswell Hill Creatives TOGETHER Exhibition, upstairs at Crouch End Picturehouse, 10am-10pm each day.

Sunday 2 March – Bowes & Bounds Repair Cafe at Shaftesbury Hall, Herbert Road N11 2QN, 2-5pm. Near to Bowes Park train station.

Saturday 8 March – Lunchtime Concert at St Andrew’s Church, Alexandra Park Road N10 (corner of Windermere Road), 1pm. Celebrating International Women’s Day with Beach, Clarke, Paradis and more. Muswell Hill Violin Studio.

Saturday 29 March – Knitting workshops for beginners and refreshers at Holy Trinity Winchmore Hill, on the Broadway of Green Lanes, N21 3RS, 11-12.30pm.

Ongoing courses and activities

Em Power fitness classes – Monday and Friday mornings in OR Tambo Rec, 9-9.30am (term time only). The main focus is on core and legs.

Life drawing sessions – alternate Saturdays during term time at Rhodes Avenue Primary School, 1-3pm.

Free Martial Arts and Self-defence for Women and girls for the month of March on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Alexandra Park School.

Painting for Pleasure – Thursdays at CUFOS Community Centre (the old railway station), Top of The Avenue N10, 10-12.30pm or 1.30-4pm. Jan 9th - March 27th.

Movement and Ease: Alexander Technique with Tanya every Wednesday morning at CUFOS, Top of the Avenue N10, 11-11.55am.

Fortismere Community Symphony Orchestra rehearses Tuesday evenings during term-time at Fortismere School, 7-9pm. Get in touch for more info.

Fortismere Community Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings during term-time at Fortismere School, 7-9pm. Get in touch for more info.

No-Gi Fundamentals Course (BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) every Thursday for 6 weeks starting 12 September at Alexandra Park School, 7.30pm. Introductory martial arts.

Geekstraveganza – regular boardgame meetup on the FIRST Sunday of every month at Karamel, 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, 1-6pm. NB change of date.

After School Sewing Club on Fridays at Stitch crafts, 2 Hazelwood Lane Palmers Green, 4.30-6pm. Term time.

Bowes Park Community Choir - Thursday evenings during term time at Bounds Green School, 7.15-9.15pm.

Salsa Wednesdays – Wednesday evenings at Bounds Green School, Bounds Green Road N11 2QG, 7-8pm. 

V&J Ensemble: Vocal group for ALL Singers on Wednesdays at St. Andrew's Church, Alexandra Park Road N10 (corner of Windermere Road), 6.50-8.30pm.

All Good Bookshop has many regular events - book groups of course, also music, writing, yoga - and special events .... at 35 Turunpike Lane.

Many Music and Art events are held at Karamel, including Collage Kids performance events on Saturday mornings at 11.30am. At 4 Coburg Road, 

Wood Green N22 6UJ.




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