Many of the people who filled in the questionnaire about improving the streets in the neighbourhood bounded by Albert Road Rec, Alexandra Park and the Railway said that they would like to be involved in taking this project forward, and these will be invited to a meeting to discuss issues flagged up by the survey and possible initiatives on the afternoon of Saturday 8th February. We are thinking of focusing on this occasion on the five issues that survey respondents flagged up as the most important to them – traffic speed, air quality, safety of children, volume of traffic and pedestrian safety. 'Promoting the success of local shops' was also seen as very important by residents, but this is a different sort of issue! We can discuss this and other issues at another meeting.
The outcomes of this first meeting will then be presented at a general neighbourhood meeting for further discussion, so that the concerns of all residents can be addressed. If you have any queries about these meetings or any other aspects of this project, please email .
Looking forward to meeting everyone who can come on 8th February!