
  • Thanks for joining us, Annabel. It was wonderful to finally meet you, albeit briefly. With a very short-timeline to get the event arranged, I thought we'd end up with a handful of people. As it turned out, we had over 90. There's been great feedback on the event. Amongst other things, people loved the contribution by the former residents I invited,  Alan and Pauline (and the magnificent Dunns cake shaped like a book!). 

    • Thanks, Hugh! Yes, it was great to meet - I didn't hang around because I didn't want to distract from topics of the moment like where the Abyssinia Pub was located! It was indeed a brilliant turnout. I thought it was great the way you involved the elderly (but very articulate) ex-residents of Abyssinia/Hornsey Vale in talking about their childhoods in this working-class enclave in the middle of genteel Hornsey.

      I think it's fascinating that the 'village' was built as part of the movement to extend the vote to members of the working-class who were excluded because they did not own property. So plots were to be sold at affordable rates and with financial arrangements available. The property qualification was in fact removed before the houses were built - but they were built anyway, with shops and schools ... Not sure what work the residents did - will have to read more of your book to find out.

      Thanks for a fascinating evening!

    • Delighted that you enjoyed it. 

    • Dunn's cake shaped like a book? Congrats Hugh it sounds fantastic!


  • Good luck with this Hugh, I will buy one in due course! Really sorry to miss it as I'll be away. E

  • Thanks Annabel.

  • Thanks for this, Hugh! Sounds amazing - congratulations! Have booked to come to the book launch.

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