Haringey's current budget proposals will see the end of free bulky and green waste collections and the closure of one of the recycling centres.

These changes are likely to spell real trouble in this borough. It will inevitably lead to a significant increase in dumping with the poorest areas being hardest hit.

Research has shown that introducing a charge can lead to a drop in demand for collections of 50-75% on previous levels. Fly-tipping will increase as a result.

An alternative approach to introducing a collection charge would be to limit or reduce the number of items accepted for free, and/or the number of free collections allowed per year.

An alternative to closing the recycling centre would be to control who uses the centre and make a small charge as appropriate.

The cabinet meets to decide on this issue in two weeks' time. Whilst the consultation is now closed you can still email the cabinet member responsible (peray.ahmet@haringey.gov.uk) and copy your councillor.

Budget proposals: http://www.haringey.gov.uk/local-democracy/policies-and-strategies/...

Survey (CLOSED 22 JAN): http://www.haringey.gov.uk/survey/budget-2017-18

(Reproduced form Harringay Online)

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  • Not sure the Council will save any money. Might be just be more fly tipping to clear up..

    • Yes, I don't look forward to streets full of old mattresses! Various people on the Sustainable Haringey mailing list have questioned whether charging for the collection of garden waste will be cost-effective, given all the admin involved, and the fact that food waste and garden waste goes into the same section of the lorries, and recycling materials into the other section, so they will have to be going the rounds anyway.

      Joyce Rosser notes:

      "There will be opportunity to discuss at Climate Forum meeting on 4th April (7pm at Civic Centre) but would be good if people took it up with councillors, etc. before then."

  • Haringey Council agreed last week, sadly, to end free collection of bulky waste and garden waste, but the details of when this will start and what it will cost are yet to be decided. Free food waste collections will continue.

  • Thanks for posting Hugh. This is bad news and will certainly lead to an increase in dumping and the associated depressing mess. The reduction in service for flats above shops means that even more rubbish bags will be left on pavements for foxes to enjoy and people to trip over.  That's already an issue in these parts.

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